
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

For the past five weeks, I have been living on a remote island, Bastimentos, in Bocas del Toro, Panama.


Although I have not had the opportunity to “go out” for ministry every day, the Lord has been moving in incredible ways on this base and the surrounding island. The people living on this island have been a highlight of my time here. The Father is working in many ways and it has been an honor and joy getting to take part and witness.


So how is the Lord moving on the island of Bastimentos and the people here?


For our first month of being here, the YWAM teams hosted kid’s ministry three to four times a week. Our ministry host, Nathan, would take his boat across our island (and to some surrounding) to pick up children to join them here! I had the opportunity to join a few times, and it was such an honor. Many were exposed to Jesus and the Good News for the first time in their entire lives. That alone is something to rejoice in. This ministry opened gateways for children to experience and know the Lord like they have not before.


About a week into me being here, a young middle school boy accepted Jesus into his heart after coming to kid’s ministry week after week. The Lord had been working in his heart for some time, softening it more and more with time. He changed from a manipulative boy who often stole from the base to one who carries around his Bible with pride and walks in peace. Seeing how the Lord changed him and is still shaping him was incredible to witness and be a small part of! The Lord did and is working in his heart in such evident ways.


If this is all I am here to experience, that is enough. 


Last Sunday, my squad leader Hannah M had an idea to invite the local neighbor families to house church here on base! Three local boys (including the boy who accepted Christ in his heart a few weeks back) eagerly came up the stairs and joined us for a time of worship and teaching. We set up the space and our friend Esther, from YWAM, led us in a time of Spanish worship. Afterwards, I had the opportunity to bring a message from Isaiah 46. As we were closing in worship, worshipping to Spanish Maverick City, I looked over to see Hannah and Esther praying with the other two boys, leading them in a prayer to accept Jesus into their heart! All three of these boys left with a different hope than they came with. Heaven rejoices at their homecoming! “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10


If this is all I am here to experience, that is enough. 


Last week, a few of my teammates and a volunteer here on base had the opportunity to work in a nearby village. As we were working, we had the sweet honor of working with a local man who often helps with projects here on base. He lives in the nearby village with his family and works hard every day. As my friend Coryn and I began talking with him, he told us part of his story and his desire for his community. He was the first believer in his village, and, after going through training at Jucum Panama, returned desiring revival and unity within not only his village but the surrounding villages as well. He is working steadfastly on a church that will most likely take three years to build, with the simple hope of more coming to know the Father. This man’s life is an example of Matthew 4:19-20, ““Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him.” This man gets it. He isn’t content with himself knowing the fullness of the Lord, but carries a desperate hope for his village and those outside of his village to know it too. 


If this is all I am here to experience, that is enough. 


These three stories are just a glimpse of what God is doing on this island. If these three things were all I were to experience this entire trip, that would be enough. If my purpose for being in Panama was only to have a conversation with a local man and encourage him in his passion for revival and unity, that would be enough. That is enough. 


I am experiencing God working ALL AROUND and I would love if you would join me in continued prayers for all that is happening here on the islands of Bocas Del Toro (and specifically the island of Bastimentos)! Pray for continued discipleship for the surrounding communities and that more will come to know the truth and freedom of the Gospel. I have hope that God is only beginning to work on this island. It keeps on getting better.


4 responses to “More Than Enough: A Glimpse of How the Lord is Moving in Panama”

  1. Wow! That’s amazing!!! I love hearing these amazing stories. God is so good! Love you and so very proud of you!!!

  2. Hannah! I love this blog, thank you for preserving with such love as you would these stories, stacking stones. Being grateful for how we get to be a part of what God is doing, how cool what God did and that fellowship we got to have with the indigenous in Panama!

  3. Hannah,
    Thank you for sharing a glimpse of what ministry has been like, it makes my heart smile to see how you are seeing God in all things and that just being there is ENOUGH –
    We tend to forget that, so thankful for you and your willingness to learn and share kingdom with others
    See you in a week
    Stephen and Teri

  4. Hannah, I love hearing of your experiences in telling others about our Lord and Savior. We are praying for you. Love , Uncle Ron and Aunt Linda