
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

For as long as I can remember, each new year I have chosen a mantra. A meaningful word that I prayerfully desire to characterize the upcoming year. In 2019, I chose the word freedom. I stand in awe at the Lord’s faithfulness through this word and how beautifully He allowed me to experience a year overflowing with complete and utter freedom. A freedom that is only explained by the love and faithfulness of the One who set me free!

So 2020. This was a difficult one. I already have so much faith that the Lord has SO MUCH in store for this year, a year that I will end one season of my life (high school) and enter another (the race). Another season that excites and scares me all at once. I know that this year will be different and difficult, but oh so sweet because of my sweet Jesus. So how do I choose a word that will encompass every goal and desire I have this year? How do I choose a word that will guide my heart and allow the Lord to grow me? 

Then the Lord hit me with it. And oh is it a good one.


You heard it right. My 2020 mantra is intentional. What does that even mean you might ask. Well keep on reading and I’ll tell you 🙂

(Also, if you want to laugh, count how many times I use the word intentional.)

In a world that is so consumed by selfish business, stillness and intimacy is utterly impossible. I have so often lost the beauty of relationships or moments because of my schedule; cutting off meaningful conversations early in order to hurry to my next plans, losing the beauty of the moment right in front of me. How silly is it that we’ve allowed time and stress to diminish so many beautiful opportunities that God has placed in our lives? How insane is it that our schedules triumph over our relationships? 

I understand that in a society filled with constant stresses and pressures to do it all it is difficult to take the time to slow down, but let me just tell you- it is not impossible to be intentional. That is something the Lord has been teaching me and will continue to grow me in this year. Intentionality is beautiful. And you know why? Because Jesus was intentional.

Throughout scripture, the Lord continually demonstrates His love through His intentionality. In John 4, the Son of Man decides to take a stroll through the country of Samaria. During this time, Jews did not associate with Samaritans. But this cultural standard (similar to our excuse of business) did not stop Jesus from stopping to talk with a woman as she drew water from a well. When Jesus approached her, she was in awe. For starters, she was a Samaritan and He was a Jew. Secondly, she was also a woman. Crazy right?! Jesus intentionally took the time to sit and talk with a woman who, by societal standards, should not even be in the presence of Jesus. How beautiful is that? In awe, the woman asked Jesus, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink? Jesus answered her, ‘If you knew the gift of God and who it is that you ask for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water.'” (John 4:9-10) Jesus not only uses this encounter to intentionally spend time with this woman, but also to share the beautiful Gospel with her. He did not care what ethnicity she was, or how much time it would take. He loved her and was intentional. 

This moment is one of many throughout scripture that the Lord demonstrates His intentionality. It is through so many of these moments that He gets to know others, and love them well. 

So why did I choose the word intentional? I chose this word because I believe that it is one of the most beautiful themes found throughout all of scripture. It is a beautiful thing to be intentional in every area of your life, just like Jesus is. 

So this year, I am praying that the Lord grows me into an intentional servant. Someone who intentionally spends time in the Word, intentionally invests in those around me, intentionally serves in EVERY aspect of the word, and intentionally walks with the King of Kings. How beautiful would 2020 look if we all chose to be intentional?

I do not want to look back on this year and see a hodge-podge of life that passed right before my eyes without me taking the time to truly live in each moment. I do not want to look back on this year and see that business triumphed over intentionality. Instead, I want to look back on this year and see a God who is good and faithful and used me through intentional ways, ways that I stood still and looked for Him in. I want to look back on this year and see how God used me to intentionally invest in relationships of those I know and come to know. I want to look back on this year and see a mere servant of Christ that looked for intentional ways to bring glory to His name and increase His fame. A servant that is worth nothing on their own, but worth everything in the Father. 

Lord, help me to be intentional in everything I do this year. 

Whether I am in the slums of India, or sitting at home, I pray I will pursue You intentionally. I pray You will use me to love others intentionally.

And above all, I pray that 2020 will forever mark a year where I learned to be still in the presence of the King, seeking intentionally to intimately know Him. For He desperately seeks to do the same. 

**This link is to a song I am loving right now and felt that it was very relevant to my heart behind this post! Listen to it if you have the chance. Like really listen. It is beautiful.**

3 responses to “2020. A Year of Intentionality.”

  1. so good! Can’t wait to meet you in a couple weeks and live with you for a whole 9 months!!

  2. You are wise beyond your years and I know God has his hand on you. He has used your struggles earlier in your life to help mold you to understand the brevity of this life and that we need to be intentional in all our encounters here on this earth. Love you! Proud of you!

  3. thank you, Hannah, for words I need to hear, heed, and apply in this new and exciting year God has given to each of us. I loved the song and posted it for others to hear as well. Please notice new email address.